a few phrases in Quiché and their English counterparts:

Ri juk'at chicop xe kil iwir pa ri c'ache'laj, na weta'm taj jas qui bi'.
Those animals that we saw in the mountains yesterday are unknown to me.

Ca k'oxow nu jolom; na c'o ta gana quin chacunic.
My head aches; I don't feel like working.

Ri achi xcam iwir itsibal xoc che.
The man that died yesterday died through witchcraft.

Eq.ui winak xe socotajic, jampa' xbe ri camioneta pa suan.
Many people were hurt when the bus fell into the ravine.

Na xin ril taj jampa' xin wesaj pa ri u borxá.
He/she did not see me when I took it from his/her pocket.

Jun ch'o c'o xe ri xot.
There is a rat under the griddle.

Ca k'oxow renojel ri nu bakil; junam ruc' ta ri iin ch'eyom.
My whole body aches as though someone had beaten me.

In maj jutil quin ts'ak tsij, rumal ri jun ts'akol tsij na uts ta ca ilitaj cumal ri winak.
I never lie because liars are not respected by people.

Ri achi xresaj quiq' pu tsa'm ri rixokil.
The man drew blood from the nose of his wife.

Ri bur subilaj nima'k qui xquin.
Donkeys have very big ears.

Ri u k'olal xquinaj k'an ca ca'yic.
Earwax is yellow.

Ri wacax xu tak' ri jun achí y xresaj ri rixolob.
A bull impaled a man on his horns and pulled out his intestines.

Jun winak jampa' maj u na'oj ca bix che chi maj u tsantsak'or.
When someone has no ideas, we say he has no brain.

Xin wiló c'o quiq' pa ri be; na weta'm taj jachin xelesax u quiq'uel.
I saw blood on the road; I don't know whose it was.

Ri jun achí xtsak pa ri be rumal k'abarel.
That man fell on the road because he was drunk.

In na quin xi'ij ta wib quin bin pa k'eku'm.
I am not afraid to go about in the dark.

¿Cat cowin chic cat tsijon pa ch'abal Quiché?
Can you speak Quiché now?

These and others can be found in Felipe Rosalío Saquic Calel's book Idioma Quiche [Editorial Piedra Santa, Guatemala; 1989]