Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Memory Palace, Klugscheißer, and Thee Seldon Crisis present experimental electronic music and video

Studio 36 presents an evening of live experimental electronic music and video projection on February 14, 2015, featuring three solo artists: the memory palace (Dan Kibke, Vancouver, BC), Klugscheißer (Emily Thacker, Vancouver BC), and Thee Seldon Crisis (Jason Buffington, Port Townsend). All three will incorporate different kinds of electronic instrumentation and video projection in their sets.

The evening is the second in a series of three experimental music concerts at Studio 36 curated by Eric Lanzilotta. Doors open at 6:30 PM, performance begins at 7:00. There is a $10 suggested donation.

the memory palace flyer

About the Artists:

the memory palace

the memory palace / Dan Kibke

“In physics, decay is not a consequence of death but its harbinger. Decay here refers to the dissipation of energy and the arrival of entropy within the system of motion. Think, for example, of the amplitude of an oscillating mechanical or electromagnetic wave, which, without the input of energy, will suffer gradual diminution, finally arriving at a still point. This is decay as a condition of expenditure and dissipation: the decrease in the radioactivity of a substance, or the smoothing of the geomorphology of the earth’s surface. Corrosion, for example, is a form of electrochemical decay in which certain base metals - including iron, tin, nickel, aluminum, lead, zinc, copper - and their alloys gradually disintegrate when exposed for prolonged periods to moisture and air.” - Stephen Cairns and Jane M. Jacobs “Buildings Must Die: A Perverse View of Architecture” 2014.

the memory palace is an exploration of ethereal sounds. loss of memory, decay. The outside world through an open window or filtered through a building’s ventilation. Distant rumbling of trains carried by the humid air of an early summer morning.

Performing as the memory palace, Dan Kibke is a sound manipulator interested in improvisation using modular synthesizers, field recordings, and bio feedback systems.

He has been involved in audio art for nearly 20 years releasing several CDs and performing live with Ejaculation Death Rattle, G42 and Torture Chamber Choir in Canada, the US and Japan.


Klugscheißer / Emily Thacker

/// Like grains of sand pouring through an hourglass, so are the pixels of our lives. Light and sound particles combine their energy, atoms forming a symbiotic relationship. Referred to as synesthesia, or 'union of the senses', Klugschiesser seeks to capture this perceptual phenomenon through the transmission of auditory forms into writhing phosphorus entities, at once sullen and meandering, other times rhythmic and jubilant. Morphology of visuals and beats  ///

Emily has a keen interest in DIY audio electronics. Through an autodidactic process she has built various kits by Music From Outer Space, BleepLabs, Eric Archer and PAIA. In recent years her attention has been turned towards video synthesis and the offerings of Gijs Gieskes. Emily will be performing with several of these units which are small enough to facilitate transport and enable guerrilla performance in remote locations.

Thee Seldon Crisis

Thee Seldon Crisis / Jason Buffington

Thee Seldon Crisis is the exploration of the root tones of digital noise and resonance, entirely sourced and sampled from bespoke archival found sound - chiefly background/floor noise - from film and video, intending to explore the interstitials of where digital sound tears itself to pieces, as inspired by weird dreams instigated by reading too much science fiction.